About Us
Hi and welcome to Pennino's Perch! We are family of 6 that includes Mom Kellie, Dad Matt, oldest son Logan (13), middle son Everett (6), crazy toddler Finn (4), and our angel baby Sawyer (forever 2).
I, Kellie, work as a middle school Science teacher in our beautiful hometown of Yucaipa, Ca and I absolutely love my job! Yes, those squeaky voiced, acne ridden, attitude tossing pre-teens are my people! Matt has been blessed (mainly by his amazing wife who started this business) and was recently able to quit his life of customer service and stay home to take this business on full time. Can I get an amen for all the carpool hustling this dad is doing now? We have been married for 15 years and have managed to survive the raising of all boys! Our home is loud, crazy, crafty, and full of so much love (and sarcasm - lots and lots of sarcasm, maybe a pinch of screaming too).
Our lives have been shaped by love and loss. After we finished forming our beautiful family of 4, in 2014 we lost our son Sawyer to a swimming pool accident just one month before his third birthday. There are no words to describe this experience. Shortly after his loss, however, we discovered we were pregnant. I'm not one for divine intervention and the such, but there we stood, ready to welcome another baby boy into the world so quickly after one having just left. I was not ready nor excited about this baby, until he was born. My rainbow baby Everett is special in so many ways. As the story continues, my husband didn't want Everett growing up without a playmate (Logan is almost 7 years older than Everett), so along came Finn...running, screaming, laughing, hugging, kissing, and kicking his way into this world.
And thus, you have the Pennino Family. Oh! What about the Perch? Remember when that quarantine business hit in March 2020...oh wait, we're still in it. Well we decided that we wanted chickens once again. That small flock of 7 Rhode Island Reds has now turned into a full-on backyard chicken farm with roughly 25 mixed birds, including RIRs, Polish, Silkies, Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers, and some other random adoptions in between! Have you ever thought about getting chickens? Do it! They're amazing and you just can't beat farm fresh eggs. Just don't get roosters - they're jerks.